
My Fabulous Self

Fabulous Gunnie

Fabulous Gunnie
My Big Sister Gunnie

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

10 Things You Don't Know About Gunnie

Hi Everyone,
Since my creepy destructive little sister Gabby posted her "Ten Things You Don't Know About Me", I thought I had better do the same as I am the Queen of this household and I rule it from on top the fridge.
Ruling From On Top The Fridge

1) My name is Gunnie and I am a "treataholic". I live for treats - salmon treats, tuna treats, chicken treats. I don't care what flavor it is as long as I get them a minimum of twice a day.

2) I am a laundry inspector. Every batch of freshly washed and dried laundry requires my personal inspection during the laundry folding process. I inspect best under a warm towel fresh from the dryer. Sometimes I fall asleep during my inspections under the towels, but that is a story for another day.

Inspecting the Laundry - Nice and Warm!

3) I am a rescue cat. My staff found me outside on a 95 degree day in the summer four years ago, when I was abandoned at about 16 weeks of age. I was skin and bones and would have done anything for a drink of water. She picked me up, fed me some food, gave me some water and I adopted her on the spot. We lived happily ever after until...... Gabby arrived!
Me In My Younger Days

4) I am a big sister - I don't want to be a big sister, but I am. It was forced upon me! One day we went to the vet to get a check up and the next thing you knew we were coming home with Gabby (see baby Gabby photo)-how could this happen you ask? My staff felt I was too lonely when she went away for the weekend for soccer tournaments and that I needed a friend. You have got to be kidding me! I was perfectly happy having the house all to myself. I got to lay on and where I wanted too, eat as much as I wanted, sleep all day and night and stick my head through the blinds to my hearts content with nobody yelling at me. Now I have to be a "role model" for Gabby.
Baby Gabby - First Day Home

5) You ask, how did you get the name Gunnie? I was named after a soccer team, "The Gunners". You see my sometimes rather dimwitted staff thought I was a boy for the first couple of weeks of our relationship and called me "Gunners". That is until the first visit to the vet when she found out he was a she, hence my new revised name Gunnie.

6) I like to take showers with my staff. I stand between the shower curtain liner on the edge of the tub and the outside shower curtain while my staff showers. I like to attack her toes when she is shaving her legs and when the shower is over I jump inside the tub and walk around in the water. I am very clean!
Waiting For Shower To Start

7) I identify humans by sniffing their nostrils...yep I put my nose right up to theirs and take a great big sniff. Way better than sniffing butts!

8) I am constantly trying to train Gabby to cover her poop in the box, really to no avail. So I go in and cover it up for her...she is a Pooper Loser with a capital P and a capital L !

9) I am addicted to my blue shoelace. I have had a really long navy blue shoelace since I was a kitten and I drag it around the house all the time. I cannot tell you how many times "Sammy" (the shoelace) has been rescued from the vacuum cleaners canister. Thank goodness my staff has thumbs!
Me and Sammy!

10) I like to lay on my back with my tummy exposed to the world, it makes me feel so free. Though my tummy is a "NO HANDS ZONE" to staff - do not touch the tummy or da feet or you will get a taste of my beautifully maintained nails.

Beautiful Tummy - No Touching!

I hope you now know a little bit more about me. I know Gabby told you she was single and available, but really why would want her when you can have the best-ME!

Yours in Fur and Kitty Kisses,



  1. OOH, I totally hear you ! I have two siblings that had to come along for the ride. We were found in a backyard and were considered feral. But you know, once you get regulars meals and the humans love you up, well, we decided to stay. The only bad part is the sibs. :-)

  2. Gunnie, humans are much more social animals than we kitties are - they are always thinking we must be lonely when we are not. Oh well!
